Above all

One of the most difficult stages of packing a suitcase is choosing the things to take with you. Usually we tend to pack too many of them. Instead, we advise you to follow the principle of “as little as possible and the most necessary”.


Ask yourself:

  • Do I take this thing out of fear of its absence or really out of necessity?
  • Will I use it several times?
  • Will it help me to make the pilgrimage or will it hinder me?
  • Would it be good for my spiritual growth to begin Lent by leaving this thing at home?

What to wear?

When it comes to clothes, you obviously have to consider your personal preferences. However, a few things are still worth highlighting.


For transport, choose simple and comfortable clothes. The best is a sports suit and shoes. For the pilgrimage itself, you can choose simple styles and classic colors. Bring a cardigan or sweater for cooler weather. Be sure to take into account the weather conditions on the route of your pilgrimage when choosing clothes.

Choose clothes for churches and holy places carefully. The main rule is to always dress respectfully, covering your knees and shoulders. If you are dressed for warm weather, bring a shawl or scarf. Clothing with internal pockets or secure zippers will reduce the risk of becoming a target for pickpockets.

As a rule, the pilgrimage involves a lot of walking. Shoes should be chosen with this feature in mind. An important clarification: even in the summer season, it is customary to wear flip flops only if you go to the beach.

Other equally important things

If you have essential medicines, take enough of them in case of unforeseen transfers or delays in transit. It is also useful to take standard medicines with you: anti-emetics, sedatives, anti-colds, remedies for injuries.
Documents and their copies
Accidents happen even to the most prepared. Before departure, do not forget to make additional copies of important documents: reservations, passports, airline tickets, etc. Take one set with you, leave the other with someone close to you.
Safe storage
Remember that pickpocketing is more common in large cities and densely populated areas. Money belts or other ways to store valuables under your clothes will help protect you from theft. You can also take a backpack, bag or wallet with additional protection against theft.
Water Bottle
To minimize plastic waste and stay hydrated throughout your trip, bring a reusable water bottle. Choose a bottle with the right capacity to quench your thirst without weighing down your bag.
Although credit cards are used all over the world, some small shops and establishments prefer cash payments. Plan your finances in advance for such an event. You can usually get local currency on arrival, although the exchange rate can be very favorable. The best option is to exchange money in advance at your bank.
Cell phone
Staying connected is important, so don't forget to find out if your carrier offers good international plans or allowances. Before crossing the border, familiarize yourself with the international options of your operator and the existing tariff plan.
Camera or other device
Capture stunning travel moments. For this, bring extra batteries and charging cables for your devices.

Things for an effective pilgrimage

During spiritual journeys, there are many opportunities to reflect and rethink certain things. It is very valuable to leave them or a short summary of the pilgrimage days on paper. In a few years, you'll be surprised how much you don't remember!
Prayer Intentions
During spiritual journeys, you will pray with other pilgrims for their intentions and can make your own. They can also be left in writing at places of pilgrimage.
Prayer book and rosary
Any pilgrimage involves joint and private prayer. So take care of things that help with that.
Spiritual works
Not only the Bible. Good spiritual books can give a special pilgrimage experience. There are also guides to the spiritual and historical significance of the places you visit.
It is impossible to make a good pilgrimage without God's Word. The Bible may be needed for prayer during services, visits to holy places, as well as for morning and evening readings.

Current pilgrimages